Monday, 21 March 2011


There used to be a time when a guy falls for a girl and if he wants to know about her- her name, where she lives, her profession, her phone number etc, the guy probably have to exert himself vigorously in finding at least one of the listed above. If you and the girl you're dotting on are working in an IT company, things are simpler. From busting your gut to know her name, today all you have to worry about knowing is her Employee ID. From just a click of a button, you behold her complete profile right on your computer screen. There is this friend of mine who fell for a girl and even before logically being curious to know her name, he was more curious to know her employee id. For a moment i was stumped considering the ease of the situation. Well, one has to be. Just a six figure number (differs!) called an employee id can give you information about anyone in an organization. Name, phone number (very important!), business address, home address, email id, her job title and what not? Now that every company has a chat application, the primary move of approaching a girl becomes more easier. PING! Hi. -Hi. Im...blah blah blah. To dig a little more into her personal profile, there is always Facebook, global database for people's information. Like trying to know her employee id, in Facebook, its all about worrying whether she accepts your friends request or not. Accepting friends requests is access to her personal stuffs. You get to know more about her- like her friends, or whether you both have any common friends, her interests, her hobbies, her latest photos (you can save it and drool over!!) etc. Getting to know each other has become as easy as falling off a log.

It was long back when you fall for a girl, talk to her, get to know her, understand each other, and everything seems like a long process. Today, things are made very simpler by 'social networking,' a concept that is followed in almost every organization for a better rapport and for easier communication between employees. Its good that it also serves as an intimacy notion. LOL! Whatsoever, Making a girl fall for you does require a special wooing skill that people like me are not really blessed with!! *Heaves*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems to be like u r really in search of someone Saji....