Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Meherban karaoke..!
This audio clip was created by yours truly.. This is 'Meherban' from the movie 'ada'.. I created it using softwares and it took 6 hours to create this.. What took me so long.? Actually, the instruments you hear in the audio has to be arranged and played accordingly, manually.. This is not a loop, the keyboard you hear in the audio has to be literally played through the software.. Playing in a real keyboard or drums is completely different from playing it through softwares.. And also while playing a instruments, the pressure (to get the grand piano effect) you apply on the keys also has to be determined, for a pukka replica of the song.. And hence it took me so long.. I completed just 50% of the song and will complete the rest soon when i find time.. Comment on it.. Personally i like this song, i liked it the first time i heard it and hence made me create the karaoke.. AR's the best..!
The softwares i used to create this are FL studio, Audacity, Sound forge and sound recorder.. Anyone can create this provided they must know the basics of playing any instrument.. I'l soon upload another track with my voice.. Rite now im working on 'Malare' song by S5.. will post that soon.. Do comment on it and let me know how do u like it..
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Ada- Rocking..!

Another mind-boggling album- 'Ada'.. A.R once again proved he is the best.. as he always does.. Songs are mesmerizing.. With 9 tracks and 1 instrumental, im sure the movie's gonna be a musical hit.. My favorites tracks are- Ishq ada, hawa sun hawa, meherban (of course, cause of Rahman's voice) and also the instrumental.. Yet another album to have it heard all day in your PMP.. Rocking.. Buy the album right away..
Monday, 19 May 2008
Shatter the fetters..!!
I have this strong dislike for orkut being introduced the 'lock-your-album' crap.. The only pass-time we get through orkut is peeking into other's albums when you get to stumble upon a good looking female grinnin' in her display pic.. Actually, this was a pass-time for everyone when orkut got introduced.. And now they slowly started to harden the privacy thing by letting you NOT see other's scrapbook (this sounds to be a rant of a poor guy who tried to examine every profile he finds..!) Actually yes.. If you plot a graph between the usage of orkut during the introduction-period and current-period, you'd probably find the graph high at first and then dropping down drastically.. All because of this lock-your-album crap.. But i also know the reasons for why they made their security stronger.. After being heard of this killer-through-orkut rumors, there was a talk that orkut's gonna get shut down.. But it rather got up with a different and stronger approach of introducing the advanced security systems (which i believe could'nt be hacked).
They also have introduced google products in orkut, like videos, google talk, blogs, feeds and lot more.. This actually made the room even more bigger to stay in orkut for a long time than expected.. It has the equal level of disadvantage too- Pornography (that was like a 50 yr old says.. but actually its cool, not for me! ;).)..Orkuteers create fake profiles and upload it with hundreds of porn videos and pictures (they wont lock their profiles).. Are they actually trying out some service for the porn-cravers here..? Why does'nt orkut have a check on all this..? Not recently i studied the misconception my father has on orkut.. He believes its a place where someone easily prone to get spoiled.. Actually yes, but depends on how one uses it.. I had my father saw me sitting in front of my computer screen which displayed Orkut home page and he shot me this : "how long since you've been into this.? ".. Been into what.? Sounded skeptical.. From that time on, i wont let him see me using orkut.. funny huh..?
I started off with my rant to shatter the album-locks and then ended up with something else.. I think (like everyone else) that it'd be great if the lock is shattered.. Ahem.. Amen..!
PS: And rite now, having been finished with the Da Vinci Code, i cannot understand its epilogue.. Did Langdon get the Holy Grail..? It'd be helpful if someone help me out with that.. waitin'..
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Kuruvi- Tawdry movie.!

Unthinkably crummy.. Another commercial vijay-type movies in which the climax is predictable.. The film can be illustrated three-pronged-> Vijay's intro and the happy dancing, Vijay in love with trisha (i hate her though.. brr.!) and in trouble, and eventually figth scenes, eradication of the enemies with tetanus shots and saving the people with a happy ending.. Songs starts with no relation to the scenes.. A pukka commercial movie which can be seen once, if there's no other tickets available in the theater..
Monday, 12 May 2008
Original or Parody..??
Ilayaraja's one of the best composition is 'Agaya vennilave..' from the movie Arangetra Velai.. When i listened to this song for the first time, i myself pictured the song with beautiful love scenes.. I never had seen the song before until when i got to hear my friends' comments about the video when i hum this song in class.. Can a choreo get any worse.? watch this..
Revathi actually tries something close to Barathanatiyam (or something else) but i dont think it is a Barathanatiyam.. And about prabhu.. just one word- Sick.! He does this 'Break-dance' thing.. crap.! this is not a song where one break-dances listening to.. There's an awesome violin bit with strings bgm, something like a music for a soul who just broke up with his lover (i actually pictured so.. ).. It starts at around 00:57 in the video and choreo was even worse, not even close to give out anything relating to the music.. But was a different picture- It was hilarious to watch them dancing around a tree (which has pink leaves) where prabhu tries this 'romantic' thing (but fails) and revathi stupidly gives him a rose.. Brr..!
Upshot-> Awesome song, sick dancing..!
Revathi actually tries something close to Barathanatiyam (or something else) but i dont think it is a Barathanatiyam.. And about prabhu.. just one word- Sick.! He does this 'Break-dance' thing.. crap.! this is not a song where one break-dances listening to.. There's an awesome violin bit with strings bgm, something like a music for a soul who just broke up with his lover (i actually pictured so.. ).. It starts at around 00:57 in the video and choreo was even worse, not even close to give out anything relating to the music.. But was a different picture- It was hilarious to watch them dancing around a tree (which has pink leaves) where prabhu tries this 'romantic' thing (but fails) and revathi stupidly gives him a rose.. Brr..!
Upshot-> Awesome song, sick dancing..!
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Alas.! It's back.!
I heard some weird sound that made me jump out of my bed and ruin my sleep.. The alarm from my cell phone that literally jolt me.. I saw the time with a half-closed eyes and it was 3 am.. The alarm was still ringing.. Thought time is running so fast, but who cares a darn, I fumbled under the sheets and went back to sleep, again, pressing the 'snooze' option.. The same monotonous alarm started ringing and this time i felt like throwing the phone off my window.. I almost heaved, but by then thought about the repercussions, that my father would kill me.. Totally exasperated, saw the time in my cell phone, it showed 3:05 am.. @#*..! Got out the bed, brushed my teeth, drank hot coffee to get myself active enough to study.. This is happening to be my everyday routine because of my exams.. Its been a week long since i've slept continuously for 12 hrs like i used to.. It is so worrying me and a thought always runs in my mind in lines, "I should've studied this chapter earlier.!" , everytime i sit with my book.. Winced all the three months and expecting for the last moment preparation to work.. Ridiculous.! As my title goes "alas.! my exams are back.!"
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